dear xx,
i was the only sixteen-year-old in my first university classroom.it wasone of those defining moments where i was painfully aware of how different i wasfrom the people around me.i had not yet graduated from high school,and yetthere i sat in a class on personal and social adjustment,feeling an oddcombination of excitement and anxiety.i distinctly recall my heart pounding andmy irrational fear that,at any moment,someone would inform me that i did notbelong there.i was considered an oddity at my high school as the only studentin the history of the school to attend secondary and postsecondary institutionssimultaneously as a fulltime student.i was reminded of the fact not throughvast support from my school's faculty,but through blatant vocaldiscouragement.
in an environment where a large majority of residents live below thepoverty level,it must have seemed strange that i would attend university earlyinstead of applying for employment.the initial hardships of my first year incollege did anything but deter me from wanting to study anthropology.indeed,the adversity i experienced only succeeded in intensifying it.my high schoolclasses were rather cold and clinical in their teachings,maintaining a firmadherence to stating and memorizing facts with little or no attempt to havestudents engage with the material.my interest in culture and my naturalresponse to analyze,question,and participate was stifled behind statestandards.in contrast,my fascination with culture was able to proliferate inpostsecondary schooling as a result of a liberal arts education and my ownproposed course of study.
my early education in anthropology started with a historical glance atcultural theory through works of influential pioneers like malinowski and mead.i became fascinated by the theoretical framework involved in culturalexploration,especially how cultural beliefs and values play a role in the everyday lives of individuals.during a class on ritual and spectacle,i droveheadlong and enthusiastically into ideas of ritual importance and its impact onsocieties.the subjects ranged from the roles of wedding rites to funerals,andi analyzed certain ceremonies and assessed the meaning of their variouscomponents.another class taught by the same professor took ritual metaphor andapplied it to narrative.the course addressed european stories from ananalytical perspective,and i examined well-known folktales to yield theirritual symbology.i found myself impassioned by the idea of exploring beyond thesuperficial guise of narrative and seeing it as a meaningful way of expressing asociety's basic beliefs and ideologies.immersing myself in the works of otherinspiring anthropologists,i examined texts on narrative form and nature,ritualmetaphor and the importance of storytelling in culture.
my interest in storytelling resulted in the subject of my undergraduatethesis.i decided to focus on american narration,specifically concentrating onexpressions of masculinity in men's magazines.it discussed dialogue inmagazines as well as in teen male group settings,focusing on theconceptualization and presentation of gender in both circumstances.myoverarching approach examined how masculine identity in the media has evolvedover the last century.i further presented how manly behavior was glamorized inthe text from three contemporary men's magazines,and juxtaposed it with anethnographic work about how young men communicate and assert their genderroles.
my thesis topic is slightly removed from what i would like to study ingraduate school,but the process familiarized me with the prerequisites requiredfor social research.these included a delay in progress by routine realities,such as gaining irb approval to interview and observe minors,as well as beingforced to dig through the vast sea of material on women's magazines just toyield the limited data done on men's publications.the college that i attendedalso emphasized the importance of organizing one's own curriculum during juniorand senior years.it was an unrestricted program in which the student consultswith sponsors and plans his or her own course of study.this program approachedthe undergraduate thesis with the same level of intensity and professionalism asa graduate dissertation.
for my thesis,i assessed my topic and its requirements,efficientlyplanning my eventual course of study.i organized tutorials with my sponsors andestablished necessary reading lists that would contribute to my progress.tutorial discussions allowed me to gain a broad scope of the research processand solidify my thesis into working theoretical,cultural and ethnographicpapers.i earned permission to conduct fieldwork at a local boys and girl'sclub,and was approved to interview and observe the interaction between teenagemales at the club.for six months,i listened to the things they considered tobe important aspects of masculinity and used my time there as one example ofteenage suburban expression of larger societal gender roles.i was able tofurther gain a taste of the graduate dissertation process when i successfullydefended my undergraduate thesis during an oral presentation to my sponsors andan outside examiner.
the liberal arts education i received has given me the means to approachsocial anthropology in a perceptive manner and to consider the variousintricacies that influence and shape certain aspects of culture.these wereabilities that grew and thrived in an educational environment that allowed me tothink critically about topics in anthropology and choose my own course of study.i emerged from college not with textbook facts floating around in my psyche,butwith questions,thoughts and theories.i believe it is my undergraduate liberalarts background that provides me with an aberrant and perceptive approach tocultural anthropology.
during my hiatus between undergraduate and graduate education,i was ableto step back from the research that captivated me for two years in order toreevaluate my goals in anthropology.while my break did not include leavingschool for an extended period,i used the time to once again study broadly inthe social sciences.by taking courses in psychology and other areas ofanthropology separate from my undergraduate focus,i challenged myself furtherthrough exposure to different material and contrasting teaching styles,therebygaining an educated and informed understanding of my intended course of studyfor graduate school.my extensive consideration of anthropology and thecombination of both my undergraduate and post-baccalaureate education has givenme the means to approach graduate school in a thoughtful and perceptive manner.additionally,this hiatus gave me the ability to devote necessary attention tochoosing graduate schools that will both challenge my views of cultural identityand allow me to excel in anthropology.
yours sincerely,
(1)只希望学日语的人 - 为何想学日语?为什么一定要学日语,理由是什么?
(2)想升学到大学或大学院、短期大学等的人 - 想要主修什么系、科?写出为何这种系科不在本国,而非要来日本学习不可的理由。
(3)此次留学的目标和你现在的工作或学生时代主修的科目有无关系?若完全不一样的话,为何要重新开始,请说明。 ( 不过提醒您就算去日本改行,也不应该在这里透露,这对你不利。 )
(4)你为了留学日本而付出的努力: 由努力学习过日语或有关自己主修的学习的场合,请注明其方法及学习期间。
“women aren’t suited for such hard subjects,” my friend seung-woo told mewith a smug smile. seung-woo didn’t think that mathematics was a field forwomen. although he was my age and wasn’t tied down by most traditional beliefs,he believed that only men could be true mathematicians. the majority of peoplein my country, south korea, believe the gender stereotype that women areinherently inferior to men in mathematics. i strongly disagree with thisoutdated notion. women are just as capable of outstanding mathematicalachievement as men, and i am determined to help disprove gender stereotypesthrough my example.
mathematics has always given me a deep sense of satisfaction. even inelementary school, i was attracted to the precision and logic inherent inmathematical formulas. i devoured as much mathematical information as i could,collecting theorems of mathematicians such as gauss and euclid like otherstudents collected stamps. i had the opportunity to test my skills and knowledgein high school, when i competed in several national math competitions, includingthe korea mathematical olympiad. my strong showing in these venues, along withmy top math grades and perfect math score on the korean sat, bolstered myconfidence in my abilities. i was proud to prove to others that i was capable ofperforming at the highest levels.
despite my strong interest and achievement in mathematics, it has beendifficult for me to realize my potential due to the korean educational system,which emphasizes cramming for tests instead of critical understanding. moresignificantly, korean social biases against women in the fields of math andscience have discouraged me from pursuing my love of mathematics. thus, i wantto study in the united states, where i will be able follow my dream withoutthese constraints. for about a year, i have taken english language courses at auniversity in washington, d.c., where i have gained a glimpse of americanacademic life from the inside. i am very impressed by american students’devotion to their studies and the system’s ability to support each student’sgoals. i am therefore especially interested in attending boston college, which,in addition to offering outstanding math and science courses, is renowned forits emphasis on cultivating students’ full development, or "cura personalis." atboston college, i will be able to focus on my goal of becoming an excellentmathematician.
i am determined to succeed, but i know that i must overcome manychallenges. sometimes, when i feel discouraged by the obstacles i face as akorean woman in mathematics, i imagine what my life will be like ten years fromnow. armed with a boston college degree, i will visit my old friend seung-woo.we will have corresponded over the years, so he’ll already know about the manymathematics articles published in my name, and he will be well aware of theinternational acclaim they received. i will savor the day when seung-woo admitsthat i was correct in believing that i could succeed as a mathematician. i willbe proud to know that partly due to my achievements, the door to increasedopportunities for women in math and science has swung open a little bitwider.
dear _,
my interest in mathematics initially developed when i began to consider how a set of well-defined points on a plane could be described by a single equation. it was clear that a curve could be drawn through the set of points but, as my knowledge was limited in year 10, i had to pursue my own research to learn how to deduce the equation of such a curve. since then, i have come to appreciate how the many diverse topics in maths are connected, such as the relationship between number theory and cryptography, as explained in marcus du sautoy’s ‘music of the primes’. i find the prospect of understanding such succinct theories, which can be applied in many industries, as well as forming new ones through extensive research, very exciting in today’s ever advancing society.
the topic to have engaged me the most at a-level has been differentiation. it is centred on the idea of limits, which relates directly to infinity and infinitesimals. i first read about cantor’s continuum hypothesis in clegg’s ‘a brief history of infinity’, and my understanding of infinity has evolved since then. the paradoxes associated with infinity and all the counter-intuitive arguments put forward about infinity motivate me to study infinity in detail, and i therefore look forward to the intriguing courses on analysis.
‘it may be very hard to define mathematical beauty, but that is just as true of beauty of any kind’ – hardy in ‘a mathematician’s apology’. i agree with hardy, for i feel that mathematical beauty is inexpressible and yet so common. however, i believe that maths at school level has lost its beauty, as there is not enough emphasis on the proofs of theorems and the focus lies in the end result of a theorem instead. my opinion is that they are equally important, as one cannot exist without the other: you cannot classify something as a theorem unless it has a proof and you cannot have a proof unless it leads to a theorem. however, i have only come across beautiful maths in proofs and i therefore look forward to the rigorous approach of being taught maths at university level, which gives more importance to understanding. currently, i find some stimulation in attending weekly extension maths lessons, covering topics that go beyond the regular a-level syllabus, such as euclid’s algorithm, the fibonacci sequence, the continuum hypothesis and proof by induction.
maths has been a vital tool in innumerable disciplines, such as programming, medical imaging and code breaking, for thousands of years. i attended a lecture on ‘how mathematics drives computing’ at imperial college, where a lecturer explained how he was able to contribute significantly to airline scheduling via his phd research work. such constant evolution and innovation in maths, with its potential as an instrument of solving problems and progressing society, attracts me greatly. in my spare time, i write internet articles frequently on programming techniques, such as image scaling and collision detection, to which over 50 people are subscribed. moreover, i have received a prize for a project i developed myself.
i am a school prefect, which has enhanced my leadership skills. i participate in inter-school hockey matches as part of our school’s team, and i have practised the art of taekwondo since i was ten years old. i find bridge interesting and have represented my school in various competitions. i have also been playing the drums for four years. furthermore, i attend the j s mill society, where issues of politics and economics are discussed.
sophistication, precision and the axiomatic approach of mathematics have always appealed to me and i hope to appreciate their efficacy to an even greater extent at university.
yours sincerely,